Saturday, February 14, 2009


so it's driving me a little crazy that my camera isn't working. everyday wandering around the village i see these fascinating once-in-a-lifetime street looks and i think to myself: "new york is so big, i'm never going to see this person again. they might not even live here!"

so while i wait for my new lens and battery charger, here are three more lines that took my breath away this year.
Christian Lacroix:
this is some of Christian Lacroix's couture spring 2009 line. out of all the asymmetrical lines this year, i really like his more organic take on it. cold sophistication has its time and place, and the elegant geometry of line's like Calvin Klein, Chado Rucci and Gareth Pugh are beautiful and insightful- but Lacroix's more intuitive pieces and giggling color schemes are like warm butter on toast.

Christopher Kane:

this below is part of Christopher Kane's spring 09 RTW line, and if you haven't yet heard, its creating quite a stir. british vogue reports that it sold out on net-a-porter the same exact day it launched (yesterday)- and i totally get it. full of pop-up sculpture, Kane's fifth line is light and edgy and utterly wearable.

Jonathan Saunders:

Jonanthan Saunder's RTW spring 2009 is another little something i missed until recently. it's almost understandable (although never excusable) given the quiet subtleties of his collection. either way, i love it- just look at this sophisticated kaleidoscope of color and patterns.

images from



  1. wonderful! sorry about your camera, but these pics are great. Love the Lacroix colors.

  2. loooove them all, esp kane and saunders! hooray for fashion week!

  3. ah christian lacroix is heaven
