Sunday, February 8, 2009


9 suggestions and fetishes for 2009

NO LEGGINGS AS PANTS. this is not a news flash.
there's an entire blog already dedicated to this idea.
if you're reading fashion blogs you probably (hopefully) know
better already, but if just one person changes their habits
after reading this, i will have made the world a better place.
just cover your bottom!

COLOR! spring looks like its all
about black and white, but
never underestimate what a
little bright splash (belt,
scarves, glasses, shoes, a layer,
etc.) can do for your look and
your mood.

marc by marc jacobs, spring 2009--->
DO hi-waisted. this is so in,
they made an abbrev for it. it's a
perfect time to go for this: it's
been around so long no one will
eyeball you for it and there's a
whole messload of it on sale. try
changing up any basic jeans-shirt/skirt-shirt combo with a highwaisted item and you'll instantly feel more fashionable.

DO poofy headbands!
headbands in general should be
approached with caution because
not everyone can pull them off
without looking twelve. me, for
example. however, if you can, go
for it! this is a trend that is
probably only going to happen
once (in your lifetime) so exploit!

DO tights! tights are very in and very fun!
whether you want to go really crazy, or just some
of the pretty colors, you should try it! instant spice
for an old dress. they'll still work in the spring, so invest now!
urban outfitters has good value basics and so does forever 21.
my favorites i got from FCUK for 10 dollars.

GLOVES! this is a new
thing. we've been going
through the accessories
lately: scarves, socks,
necklaces, rings and the
hobo glove fad- now
beyonce's got her
monstrosity and paris has
been spotted with her
half-gloves. my hope?
pretty and lightweight
gloves to spice up spring!

"wtf?" you say, "spring is all about pretty this year!" but, ma cherie pretty + grunge = fashion. notice all the biker-like zippers at fashion week? my friend will kill me for posting this, but take a hipster card on this one. she was totally right. its like the moccasin trend- only tasteful.

do RUFFLES and WHITE. i've always had a
fetish for the overly virginal and girly, but this year milan
came with me. i suggest you play up both sides of this fad!
maybe do a little moshing of the extremely badass with the
extremely delicate. i'm so excited!

LAYERS are not quite dead. you can go
fashion forward, and discard this silly fad that will
most likely be leaving us for good soon, or you can
hang on for dear life- like i am! layers are versatile,
warm and a wonderful opportunity to add color to
a dull outfit, or match to accessories. either way,
make a stand!


  1. great post, love your blog!


  2. Nice looking new blog...good luck.

  3. Great advice!!

    Thanks for my blog comment...I love Scotland...and farmers ;-) so thank you! hehe

    I'm pretty sure the scarf was from a little tourist shop next to notre dame, if that helps at all. :)

